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Embracing Yourself

Published on 15/02/2024, 18:48


A long-winded article on my struggles, and attempting to overcome them.

I've opted-in the rat race. I'm trying to catch my breath against the bullet train named 'Technological Advancements.' A lot of the things I've learnt over the years, can now be summarized by a chatbot who can shove its encyclopedia of answers right in front of our fingertips. As much as I'd love to embrace AI, there's a lot of questions left in my mind that I've barely even asked throughout my life, because I was too busy pursuing those dreams. Embracing myself was when I knew when to stop pursuing that train. That really the worst enemy was myself, my ego, and how these two affect others around me. My biggest fear is coming across as someone who always looks out for themself, and never anybody else. That is one of the main reasons why I get out of bed everyday. While comfort is really important, embracing the unknown and taking risks is vital to spicing up life. Battling my worst perception of myself is difficult. I also feel like making mental health an important focus of my personality makes me feel like a boring person. But this hasn't stopped me from trying. Here's something I say to myself every now and then.

A part of growing up is learning not to give a f**k what other people think, because people don't put effort into your goals, it's YOU that's putting the effort.


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